Smart City Living Lab Fliegerhorst Oldenburg
The reorganization of the Fliegerhorst offers the city of Oldenburg the unique opportunity to position itself as a pioneer in the development of smart city concepts for municipalities and not only for megacities. Since 2016, OFFIS e.V. has been developing together with and for the city of Oldenburg a smart city strategy that will be implemented on a part of the Fliegerhorst in a Smart City Living Lab. In the medium and long term perspective, this area should be available for various research questions and their practical implementation in the areas of energy, transportation, administration and quality of life.
Field of Innovation
- Living
- Mobility
- Health and Nutrition
- Showroom
- Business model development
- Stakeholder Networking
- Co-Design
- User testing and Evaluation
- Sustainability assessment
Contact Name: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff
Alexanderstr. 461
D-26121 Oldenburg
In the context of this project, an infrastructure concept will be developed and implemented to integrate the physical infrastructures of the electricity, heat and electromobility sectors with the help of energy couplers into a cross-sectoral supply network. In addition, the project investigates the feasibility of a digital service platform for intelligent load and feed-in management at district level for decentralized energy producers and consumers. This platform, as a digital twin of the physical platform, will provide the functionality required, for example, for the formation and operation of local energy co-operatives or other neighborhood co-operation models in collaboration with different energy service providers. In addition to technical issues, residents are involved as energy producers and consumers in a transdisciplinary approach through a community portal. They are further involved in the conception of incentive models for the formation of local energy cooperatives and the derived business models for the service providers to build and operate such an Energetic Neighborhood.
Ref Period: 01/2018 - 12/2022